

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

I remember years ago I had to ask myself, 'what is passion? why everyone should have a passion in life?' And now, if someone asks me what my passion which makes me happy through life, I would definitely answer: Reading. Yeah reading is my passion!

I miss Us

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

Aku selalu hidup dalam bayangan keluarga yang berantakan. Walau merasa hancur namun aku tetap bertahan demi kata itu selalu ada, menjadi bagian dari diriku. Keluarga

Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

I don't want to be a person who relied on this family. I've not been able to. there are still many things I want to achieve in my life. Stress, this feeling's really hard to explain. I certainly never want in this situation. can I breathe? I'm here trying to change my life to be happy. So, why them? People who I call family always blow it. always made me falling down. Always ruin my dreams. Always let me suffer deeply

Bipolar Disorder


Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

My dad is best describe of dysfunctional father. He's hurtful memories that I wish to God he would just disappear. I often wish I had gone through life never knowing him.

Kadang gue pingin nangis... kadang gue pingin nanya sama Tuhan. Tapi kadang gue juga mikir, 'buat apa?'

Lo pernah kan ngerasa takut? Lo pernah merasa khawatir? Gue ngerasain itu setiap hari. Hidup ini cuma wadah berisi kata sakit hati. Dunia terlalu didominasi dengan semua hal yang bikin gue makin frustasi. Untuk itu lebih banyak alasan untuk membenci dari pada mensyukuri. Dan semua itu bikin gue stress. Gue pingin teriak. Gue marah. Gue benci